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    Thursday 19 December 2019

    Free Hotstar Premium Cookies 2020 [100% Working]

    Media Streaming Sites and Users are gradually increasing every day. These days, people have started streaming rather than downloading it. because of, Most of the torrents were shutdown. So, Users started streaming media’s online.

    Now users started searching for free streaming sites. Hotstar is one of the popular streaming site and more than millions already registered their Premium Plans. This is why users, searching fore something like this. They you are at the right place.

    In this article, we are going to discuss Hotstar Cookies. This article will answer all your questions regarding Hotstar Cookies and how to use it. So, let’s explore the best and working Hotstar Cookies.

    Before exploring the Hotstar Cookies, Let’s spend a minute to know about what are cookies and how it works. So, if you don’t know about the cookies and how it works, then read on the post.

    Browser cookies are basically simple text files that contain information about the website and a unique identifier. So, when you visit any website that uses cookies, it places cookies in your web browser. So, the next time when you visit the website again, it looks for the cookies that it had previously saved.

    The cookies are there to tell whether you have visited before and how to best improve your experience. Similarly, if you open Hotstar’s website and log in with your ID and Password, the data is then saved in your browser in the form of cookies.

    So, the Hotstar cookies are basically the browser data of the users who are already using the Premium Netflix account. These cookies can be used to directly login to the Hotstar premium account.

    Working Cookies For Hotstar 2020

    Now that you are well aware of Hotstar cookies, it’s time to get the Hotstar Premium account cookies. Below, we have shared the working Hotstar premium account cookies in 2020 that you can use for free.


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    “id”: 15

    So, these are some of the working Hotstar cookies of a premium account. With these cookies, you can easily access Hotstar Premium for free.

    How To Use Hotstar Cookies In Chrome Browser?

    Well, using Hotstar cookies is an easy process. You just need to follow some of the simple steps given below. So, let’s check out how to access Hotstar using the above cookies.

    Step 1. First of all, open your web browser (Chrome browser is recommended).

    Step 2. Now head to the chrome web store and install Editthiscookie extension. You can get the extension from here.

    Step 3. Once installed, visit Hotstar and click on the extension icon and select the ‘Import’ icon.

    Step 4. Now you will see a blank box. There you need to paste the cookies.

    Step 5. Once done, click on the Green tick button.

    That’s it, you are done! Now open https://www.hotstar.com in the same tab and you will be logged in to the Hotstar premium account.

    So, this article is all about Hotstar’s premium account cookies 2020. I hope this article helped you! Share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts related to this, let us know in the comment box below.
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